Tuesday, April 19, 2011

After Surgery

April 6, 2011- Big surgery! This is my second surgery for my nose reconstruction. Days pass by so quickly and everything now has been planned. It feels great that things are working so well now. On my last surgery, on July 8,2010, was on my mouth. The doctors took bones on both of my hips and that bones were put on my upper gum inside my mouth. The doctors will need those bones to help my teeth on moving forward and to have a nice shape mouth. It was a lot of pain but I got through it at the end. It was 10 days of recovery :) April 6, 2011 was my second surgery. It was the biggest surgery I've ever had,. If I got through my first surgery, through the pain and tears, I know I can make through this too. This surgery is very important for me. This is one big mission which my doctors do a lot of things on me and take some of my body parts to get this done. Not interesting but it's the only way to reach my goal.

About the surgery:

Doctors took an artery from my left arm for the nose to have a blood flows. Yes I mentioned an "artery" because that is going to help the blood for my nose to keep it healthy. That artery was connected from underneath my neck and connected it through my left cheek all the way to my nose. One of the doctors, Dr. Matthew, used a microscopic machine for this artery to be inserted inside my left cheek. In order to cover my left arm's big bruise, the doctor shaved my back head and took a skin graph to cover my left arm. My head has bandage now and will be taken out in 3 weeks. Since it is still 1st week after my surgery, my head has to be in a good health to avoid infections. It is all good! After that, Dr. Persing, the head of the Section of Plastic Surgery in Yale Hospital, took a cartilage underneath my breast to build the bridge for my nose. It was taken out from my ribs area and that cartilage is considered as the bridge for my nose now. In the picture, my nose is big but that is not my real nose. That is only my temporary nose because I still have more surgeries to get everything done. That big "blab" in my nose will come out itself as days pass by for healing. It will or it won't take long to heal but I am very happy with the changes in my face. My upper lip has went down, before it was up high but now its down low like a normal lip. My eyes got smaller and my cheeks got flatter, a little bit. I still have big cheeks when I smile and laugh. And the biggest changed is that, now i have a bridge on my nose. I never had it before but when I was looking in the mirror, "OMG! Its a bridge on my nose!!" is what comes out in my mouth. I was so excited and very happy. This happiness will always stays!

"My biggest goal in my life has come true because I believe there's a reason to have goals."


  1. This was really such one of the biggest nose surgery. I had read all what you have return. Really thanks for sharing such great information. It was also nice information share about the surgery.

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  6. Hi Cherry, After reading your post, I think that its a very important news for everyone.You have define some information about after plastic surgery. Thanks for the tips it gives me more information about it, I hope this post is helpful for everyone who looks for a surgery. Keepit up...

    1. Hi Mareah, Thank you so much for the nice words. Unfortunately, I didn't get a plastic surgery. My doctors rebuild my nose by using my own skin and body parts (cartilage, bones, skin graphs, etc.). Although, what you've read in my posts are all very important and it has written from my point of view after going through big surgeries. I am glad the information from my posts are helping you and the others. Thanks a lot!
